General rules and regulations
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General rules and regulations
- All the students are directly under the control and direction of the principal of the school of nursing.
- The students are expected to comply with the rules and regulation of the school of nursing, the hostel and the hospital subject to revision from time to time. They are also expected to conduct in a disciplined manner while they are going out.
- The student's performance is evaluated periodically especially before promotion or appearance for state board examinations.
- Annual leave is arranged by the school of nursing at such a time as is convenient in keeping with the requirement of the course. The leave period cannot be altered for the individual students.
- The students abstaining from clinical posting without prior permission from the principal or her deputies will be guilty of misconduct.
- The students shall wear the prescribed uniform while in the clinical field.
- The students should have medical examination and subsequently she may have to join the junior group if she students is found medically unfit she will be required to leave. All the medical expenses must be met by the students.
- The students are forbidden to accept gifts or hospitality of any kind from patients or their attendants.
- The students shall not bring any jewelry with them except a pair of small ear rings for use. The institution cannot be held responsible for any theft or loss of any personal articles or money of the students.
- The students should compensate for broken, lost or damaged equipment and articles at their own cost.
- The appointed authority has the power to open letters of the students without their prior consent.
- In case of misconduct, disobedience, inefficiency or repeated neglect of duty a student may dismissed at any time.
- Students have to sleep in their respective rooms and beds .No students will sleep in any other room except of her own.
- No students are allowed to borrow or lend money from anyone.
All the Demand Draft should be drawn in favor of "Principal, Karunashray School of Nursing and Paramedical Institute" payable at Sultanpur, U.P.
Details are given above.