KMCH & Dr.N.G.P. Educational Institutions
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Karunashray School of Nursing and Para Medical Institute, Basoudi, Sultanpur, managed by the Ursulines Sisters of Mary Immaculate (Nirmala Province) was established in the year 2019. This school offers a two (2) year course in Auxiliary Nurse and Midwife (A.N.M), which is recognized by the Uttar Pradesh (U.P). State Medical faculty, Lucknow (letter no. 21444/19 dated 16/09/2019) and Indian Nursing council, New Delhi. The aim of this course is to prepare dedicated nurses for the hospitals and communities.
Karunashray Hospital, Sultanpur
Karunashray Hospital is a general hospital established in 1975 with a capacity of 100 beds. This Hospital focuses on maternal and child health. The hospital has departments of General medicine, MICU, OB Gynae, Surgery, SICU, NICU, Pediatric, Orthopedics, 24 hours Emergency department, Radiology, Clinical Pathology, Ultra-sonography and Pharmacy. Our Nursing department strives for quality service.