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From the Principal’s desk:
Greetings of Love and Peace.
As we embark on this new academic year, I extent my love and gratitude to God, and to all who have directly or indirectly helped and supported the school of nursing all through these years from its beginning to this day, leaving behind not only many beautiful memories but also a host of new experiences that would help us steer to even greater heights.
As we begin this day, let us believe that He who has planned for us yet another year will help us sail through, no matter how low or high the tide is. Beginning our day with a prayer of gratitude results in nothing shorter than a sea of happiness that would be flooding the minds with positive thoughts, instilling in us peace and calmness. The current world is full of opportunities and we have plenty of space for love and service. The choice that we make help us determine the outcome.
Today, I believe that a nurse is one of the corner stones of health systems, providing skilled and compassionate care. Through nursing education, we prepare nurses motivated to serve. A nurse having mature judgement, intellectually and morally enlightened and professionally equipped with knowledge and experience in her/his work, she/he will be capable of giving comprehensive care to the sick and function efficiently through her selfless service and sacrifices.
Wish you all God’s blessings. With best wishes and success for all your undertakings.
Sincerely Yours,